durhamlane becomes Nexus Accredited Partner
Aftermonths ofconsistently delivering results for clients using the Nexus platform,durhamlanehavebeen named a NexusAccreditedPartner.
Nexus is a customerbehaviourinsights platform which enables businesses to enhance their targeted sales and marketing activity.As specialists in Demand Generationand Account-Based Marketing (ABM),durhamlanehavebeen working closely withCyance(the team behind Nexus)in order tohone sales and marketing efforts to deliver bettercommercialoutcomes–both in-house and for clients.
Of course, this announcementcomesin the midst ofgreat turmoil in theB2Benvironment.As many industries struggle to keep things running during the Covid-19 epidemic,growthfor many businesses has slowed to a near standstill. But, by combining carefullystructured messaging with Nexus and other tools,durhamlanehave been helping their clients beat the odds.
Nexus Director, Steve Russell, said:“We’ve been extremely impressed with the progressdurhamlanehave made in deploying Nexus in support of their Demand Generation and sales outreach campaigns, both in terms of their acquired knowledge of the platform, but also the way in which they are now using Nexus intent insights to deliver better targeting, messaging and results.”
durhamlane’sDirector of Marketing, Sean Ball, added:“This accreditationis a testament to ourDemandGeneration and ABM capabilities. Our Demand Generation teams continue to do an outstanding job in using buyer intent data from Nexus tohone their efforts and deliver more and better results for our clients.”
If you’d like to know more about howdurhamlanehelps businesses grow through targeted sales and marketing activity, give us a call or fill out the form below.