Adapting to GDPR Legislation
Reform. It’s a word that strikes fear into many, but come 25 May 2018, it is exactly what is set to happen in the world of data protection, whether you like it or not. We’re of course talking about the new General Data Protection Regulation legislation, GDPR for short. And while many of you will already be preparing for the change, if you’re not, you need to be.
And we’re not just talking about those working in the business-to-consumer sector, because those in business-to-business are also going to be hit, hard. Described by Wired as Europe’s biggest change to data protection rules in two decades, it can no longer be ignored.
Fortunately, help is at hand from Joanne Bone, Partner and Data Protection Expert at Irwin Mitchell LLP, and Roxanne Morison, Senior Policy Adviser Digital at CBI.
Inside this edition of The Leap, we’re going to unravel the rulings, and help those organisations operating in a business-to-business environment understand the best steps to take, in the immediate and long term future.